Friday, August 11, 2017

2017-08-10 腳受傷 Injured at LGCC

I fell on the stairs in the LaGuardia SBDC building around 9am
When I stood up, It felt too painful to walk
I hopped and dragged myself to Room 201 on the 2nd floor
Danny, HSBC,  and Evelyn were there
The left ankle was swelling up and I had to sit down
I told Danny and he asked Evelyn to get ice for me
I saw she was busy setting up the table and the computer
and I didn't expect she would have time to take care of me
I was wrong
 I was so touched when she told me that the ice cubes were coming
The ice cubes in a plastic bag with a towel
helped me reduce the pain and swelling from 9:30am to 11:30am
"Financing Your Business" seminar
 Rosa Figueroa(center), Leading the LaGuardia Community College SBDC team (Back Row)
and the lenders (front row)

Thanks to the panelists for a great session
L-R: Brianan Brandon, TruFund
Danny Zhang, HSBC
Jesus Flores, Brooklyn Cooperative FCU
Serra Kazanc, RIVA
Carol O'Connell, Excelsior
I was in pain every minute and every second
 finishing the excellent seminar and answering several inquiries
with smiles

 11:50am Special and deepest thanks to Evelyn for taking care of my injured foot
I won't forget what she has done for me

12:22 I called XinJin Ma and they said there was no car nearby
I called JingQiLin and they said I had to wait for 30 minutes

Thanks to Christine, SBDC Business Advisor, and Linda Li
for helping me hopping to the entrance of the building
and reported to the security guard
He said I should have told him and went to the hos when it happened, and I said
I didn't know and I had to go to conduct the seminar
 12:50pm Officer Rodriguez, LaGuardia Community College
wrote the report and helped me get to the taxi
I notified Jennifer when I was on the way home

Smile of pain

 X-ray showing a chip off the bone
 Thank God. It could be worse
 A fancy boot
A third foot, temporarily
Keeping ice bag on the foot

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